Wednesday 7 December 2011

Reached the November target, a week late...

Very, very happy!!!!

Today just seems to be getting better and better! Had a free period 2 and only half of period 1 (tutor time which today was devoted to year book photos, joy! (ps. insert the sarcasm :P ) so went into town to pay in the ceilidh money with Tara, (£335 each after expenses :D ). I also already had £128.65 written on a pay in slip at home so was planning on posting £463.65 to PT today, got home at 1 (I love only having 2 lessons on wednesday's) and the post hadn't arrived, but i had a good feeling about the post today. The dog the dutifully informed us when the postman did arrive, a few Christmas cards, a letter for Dad with a combination of 2 old addresses on - its somehow managed to get to one of the addresses though and forward to us , a magazine and a letter for me. As I opened it i thought it was another rejection letter to add to the pile that is growing on top of the piano (no one plays the piano, its just covered in my PT stuff!), but as i took the letter out a cheque fell out, that is possibly the best feeling ever! Even better when i turned it over and it was made out for £500!!!! So that brings my total up to.......
Add to that £300 which a trust wrote to me saying they will give me and the cheque will follow in 'a few months' I am at...

(and i still have absolutely no idea where that 2p of the 17p has come from, or the 7p for that matter as i dont think anything has been sold for 5p)

And! I got my first sponsor for my walk to Cambridge today, the lovely Claire who I work with cleaning said she would sponsor me £3, the teachers seem to hang around for longer on thurdays as they have the staff meeting so may be able to get a few more sponsors tomorrow, also going to send my brother back to Leicester with a sponsorship form when he comes home for the weekend, he just doesn't know this yet :P

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