Thursday 1 December 2011


Myself and my friend Tara, who is spending her gap year with Project Trust in Guyana in South America, held a ceilidh (pronounce kaylee) last night and it was a fantastic success! Everyone involved had a really fun night (no one looked bored anyway!) and i think we had roughly about 50 to 60 people attend which seemed to be the perfect number for the area, any more and it would have been to squished and any fewer and it wouldn't have had the fantastic atmosphere that it did!

We also held a raffle on the evening and had some lovely prizes donated by Tara's mum's friend as well as a cricket bat that my brother got for us with it being signed by the Leicestershire cricket team, the guy who won that seemed very, very happy which was great to see!

From ticket sales, raffle and the soft drinks we managed to raise an amazing


This is split between my self and Tara and we are both very very pleased with our £350 each towards out fundraising totals and had a really good evening out of it as well.

I would also like to say a massive thank you to the Cambridge University Ceilidh Band ( who supplied the fantastic music for the night.

Another thank you goes to all those who came along to support us, i hope you enjoyed the evening as much as we did which is definitely a lot!

ps. this brings my total fundraising up to about £1100 :D

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