Sunday 18 December 2011

I walked and I walked and I walked!

Today was the bus way walk, we got the bus to the last stop on the busway this side of cambridge and walked the 10 miles back! it took us about 5 1/2 hours including us stopping at each of the stops (5) for about 10 minutes.

I did the walk with my friend Sophie who is going to China with Project Trust, she has all the photos so I will upload them when she send them to me.

My current total of sponsorship is a fantastic £213.31 I am very, very pleased with that but there is still time to make donations at

As long as I can get the money from everyone who has written it down it takes my fundraising total up to £1906.48

Next target is £2000! There is also currently £21.25 raised through easy fundraising so that leaves just £72.27!

Thank you!!!

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