
Alongside writing to charities and trusts and holding fundraising events I will also more than happily accept donations :D

Cheque is the easiest way to donate, made payable directly to Project Trust - please don't post it directly to Project Trust though as we need to send our money in with a special form to show where the money has come from and to make sure it is counted towards out total. Any donations however small would be received with great thanks, if you are kind enough to be wanting to make a donation please post to:

Amelia Sykes
Green Pastures
High Street
Hemingford Abbots
PE28 9AA

Gift Aid is a fantastic way for you to be able to give extra with out it costing you anything extra. Unfortunately for some legal reason Project Trust is unable to pass this extra onto us for our fundraising targets, instead the money goes towards the fantastic work Project Trust does. Below I have added the gift aid form, hopefully it will allow you to save the image and print it out, so if you are eligible to add gift aid to donations you make to charity you are able to fill this is in and send it with a cheque.

When we receive our fundraising packs which should hopefully be within the next few days I will set up a Virgin Money Giving account to enable donations online - I will post the details here when I have sorted it all out:

So the fundraising packs arrived last week, and I have now set up my Virgin Money Giving page

so that is the link if you would like to donate online, but please note Virgin Money Giving take 2% of all donations to help cover their running costs, so please don't use it if you are wising to make a large donation, although any donation how ever small would be very, very greatfully received :D

Thank You

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