Friday 30 December 2011

Current Total...

Just checked easyfundraising and that is currently at £28.77 (massive thank you to my Mum's friend April who has raised £8.05 of that and £7.47 has come from just the searches on easysearch (easyfundraising and easysearch info is here

Added to that is the £10 from Greg which brings me up to: 


Getting really close to £2000 now, just £54.75 to go! I have £30 in my room from babysitting and I have cheques to pay in from Christmas presents so if i included them i would have the £2000 but I think i'm going to save that to put towards the jabs and visa, hopefully the new year will bring donations from charitable trusts (fingers crossed :D)

Now back to law revision and the joys of the defence of insanity...

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