Friday 16 December 2011

I love my work!

I work as a cleaner in a primary school 3 days a week, not the most glamorous job but the people make it good. The staff are fantastic and the three that I asked for sponsorship today each sponsored me £5. Also me and my friend who i work with on friday's were given some lovely Thorntons chocolates as a christmas present from the teachers and the headteacher gave us each a long tube of jelly beans! THANK YOU!!!

Also one of my friends in form asked me on Wednesday if she could straighten my hair (my hair is pretty curly!), and would give me an extra £5 sponsorship on top of the £5 she has already put on the sponsorform, it was the money that convinced me! so this morning we got to form room at quater past 8 (normal time is half past) and she straightened my hair, hopefully she will send me the before and after photos later and i will add them

edit on 7th jan, got the photos from my friend...

I don't have a 'before' photo from on the day but this photo was taken on the ferry to Coll, me on the left, Alice who is going to Japan in the middle and Tara who is going to Guyana on the right, as you can see my hair is curly...

Half way through Frankie straightening my hair...

And an 'after' photo :)

Frankie's extra sponsorship brought the current sponsoship total = £193.31, so close to £200!!!

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