Sunday 27 November 2011

The red velvet cake is RED! :D

After a kind of failed attempt at red velvet cake last week with it not turning out very red (still tasted good though) this weeks attempt has been more successful!

The mixture for 2 out of the 3 layers, just before they go into the oven

All cooked and still looking lovely and red!

And the frosting begins with the most delicious cream cheese frosting!

The pattern on top...

...and the sides

Also making marshmallow muffins like last week again so here is the mixture, now waiting for a lovely roast dinner to be finished in the oven before they can go in

However, whilst mixing the muffin batter tragedy struck, our electric whisk died on us. It has been a long and faithful electric whisk with it being about 10 years old but it stopped working just after i started the muffins, so we had to improvise so I hope they turn out ok, will let you know after dinner!

ps. the muffins failed, going to make some flapjack after x factor results

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