Monday 21 November 2011


Another cake sale raised £12.80 with just 2 slices of cake left which me and mum enjoyed :D i made a red velvet cake (which wasn't at all red as didn't have enough food colouring) covered in the most amazing cream cheese frosting! and also marshmallow cupcakes which according to my friend who brought one tasted just as good as they look which I was very pleased to hear!

forgot to take a photo of the (not very red) red velvet cake before putting the tin over it (and didn't want to risk smudging the frosting) and then forgot to take it when i got it out at school but here are some photos of the marshmallow cupcakes.

Before the frosting with marshmallow in the middle as well!

Frosting added with mini marshmallows in the mixture 

And a few more for good luck!

And a close up... (and yes i was finishing them off at half 11 last night :D )

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