Monday 14 November 2011

Long time no type

Sorry for not updating recently but so far my total (including the deposits we pay) is just over £450 :D

Had a fantastic day on Saturday at the local co op doing a bag pack with 2 friends who are also having gap years with Project Trust and came away with £80 each which we were all very pleased with! The latest cake sale today raised £11 from my marshmallow muffins and mini chocolate cupcakes, which i am rather pleased with after the fight i had with the melted marshmallow and getting it into the cake!

I was planning on having a race night but had to cancel it as i couldn't sell enough tickets, no one replied to posters around the village and when i went knocking on door many people were busy so we are re-arranging it for next February! But the very kind people in my village surprised me in their kind generosity and i raised £73 in kind donations from people who were busy on the evening of the race night but still wanted to support me with my gap year, my Grandma and her friends also collected £40 which was very kind of them.

Spent a few hours in the library last week and got another 30 charitable trusts to write to bringing me to 70 :D however so far no luck in donations just a few rejections but as Mum keeps saying still got many more who haven't replied yet and may be considering a donation than those who have sent rejections!

Ps. If you have come to my blog from the link i gave you after i packed your bags at the co op then thank you very much for your donation! :D

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