Friday 22 June 2012

I feel I should update this blog...

Exams seem to have taken over my life for too long but since 11am this morning I have been free!

Since my last update on what my fundraising total is (13th March, £2304.99) it has risen to a fantastic £4304.41! (Pure coincidence it has risen by nearly exactly £2000, quite tempted to see what coins I have in my purse so get that 58p)

Fundraising has merged into a massive blur as to what happened when but since March have had a fantastic donation from a charitable trust, a bag pack, cake sales and now selling tickets to my murder mystery. I also had a fantastic day involved with the village jubilee celebrations holding a toy stall which raised just under £60. This would have been brilliant alone but when asked to explain what I was fundraising for a lady called out to pass a hat around, this hat collected an amazing £168. Today I sold 15 more murder mystery tickets, bringing my total to 22! 1 week left to sell just under 100 tickets, it could happen...possibly! Tickets are £15 each or £10 with a table of 8 so at £15 only need to sell another 53 to finish fundraising :D 

If I don't manage to sell enough tickets then the headteacher at the lovely primary school i work at as a cleaner has said I can do a cake sale after school if needed if the Murder mystery doesn't raise enough.

Donations online at would also be really greatly appreciated

Thank you, Amelia

Sunday 22 April 2012

Murder Mystery, 29th June

Hall booked, tickets printed, poster and flyers ready to go to the printers...All set for hopefully a brilliant evening!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Thank you Innovation Observatory

Massive thank you to Simon and Danny at Innovation Observatory for the fantastic £100 donation towards my fundraising bringing my current total to £2304.99

Monday 12 March 2012

Getting there slowly but surely :)

After another cake sale today with marshmallow muffins, lemon loaf and marshmallow, toffee & rice crispy cake raised another £22.05 making my current total £2204 and 99pence.

All this hard work is slowly paying off and the halfway mark is just £345 and a penny away.
Haven't got anything planned before the end of this month other than 2 more cake sales before the march deadline of £2,500 but I'm sure I will think of something, any ideas are welcome, the harder the better for that sense of achievement :D Still organising the June fundraiser but will share the idea once I'm sure its going to happen

Alternatively here is another shameless hint about donations. Thank you :D

Friday 9 March 2012

Village hall is booked, nearly

My name is in the village hall diary for a fundraising event, just need to fill in the forms and get the idea sorted out then i will be back with more details :D 

Quite excited about this idea :D

Friday 17 February 2012

I love easyfundraising!!

My Mum last week got a new phone on contract, going through easyfundraising to the o2 site meant that I got a £25 donation :D

My current easyfundraising total is £61.09! All from just purchases made on line which would have been made anyway!

Thank you to everyone who is currently supporting me, if you  would like to find out more about how you can help raise money for my gap year please see raise money for free - easyfundraising

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Training dates have been confirmed!

:D and there is a possibility I am going to be spending my 18th birthday on a train home from Scotland! Hopefully when we find out more info about training the ferry will get back early enough to be able to get the train on the same day, as 9 hours on a train on my birthday isn't very appealing (also Mum wants me home on my birthday as I will be in South Africa for Christmas and my 19th birthday) but I am very much looking forward to training, especially meeting the people i am going to be spending a year with!!! Very exciting!!! and also will be with 2 members from the group I was in on selection as they are on training the same week so will be great to see them again (go group A :D )

Friday 20 January 2012

"This summer's Training dates are currently being confirmed and will be sent out to our 12/13 volunteers over the next couple of weeks"

Project Trust's facebook status

"This summer's Training dates are currently being confirmed and will be sent out to our 12/13 volunteers over the next couple of weeks. Watch this space!"

eeep everything is getting closer :D

Monday 9 January 2012


Today was my driving test and I passed!!!! I am so happy to have passed first time and have my amazing instructor to thank, so thank you Sue!!!

Saturday 7 January 2012

My brother needs to learn how to use the iron....

He reminded me the other day that he will be 20 in a few months, maybe between now and then he will learn how to cook his own dinner and iron his own shirt, but in the mean time that's an extra £5 sponsorship :D

Wednesday 4 January 2012

£20 extra to cook dinner? why not :D

My brother is bribing me with money he doesn't have to cook dinner as mum isn't feeling well, he says he will give me the money in April when he starts earning...I may just see this £40 its up to now before I go to South Africa in August...

I'll still include it in the count up though so that's now £2044.55


My form tutor said today that yes she had meant to give me £10 which was very kind of her, also today I had another £2 added to my sponsorship form which brings me to £2024.55 :D

I have also just sent an email to the local newspaper about myself and 4 others from 6th form spending our gap years volunteering with project trust so hoping they will be able to write an article about us in it to raise awareness of what we are doing

Tuesday 3 January 2012

£2017.55 or possibly £2022.55

Cake sale today raised exactly £20! This brings me up to 
In form today my form tutor gave me the money she sponsored me for my walk, I didn't have my sponsorship form with me today so didn't realise she had written down for £5 but she gave me £10. I will check tomorrow if she wants £5 back or if she meant to give me £10, if she did mean to give me the extra then that brings my total to

£977.45 to raise in 12 weeks and 4 days to reach the March £3000 target, it's doable, now to just work out how I'm going to do it!

Monday 2 January 2012

I'm even closer than i thought!!!

Checked the pot i keep the £3 worth of change in for cake sales and found more than £3 in it, i had completely forgotten to count up the money from the cake sale before Christmas!

In the pot (in addition to the £3) was only £5.55 as no one seemed to want mince pies so this £5.55 that i had forgotten about means in am only 2 pounds and 45 pence away from £2000!!! This means my current total is


This means tomorrow once i sell 3 muffins at 80p each and a frog cookie at 10p each i will have raised over £2000! (£2000.05 to be precise!)

It feels so good to have reached this milestone!

Soooo close to £2000 :D

Making cakes today ready for a (Tuesday) cake sale when we are back at school tomorrow and my brother asked for one, i said he would have to buy one and then also reminded him he hadn't sponsored me yet, so he offers to sponsor me £20 in return for 1 (unfrosted) muffin! Mum then feels that she should sponsor me more than my brother did so sponsors me £25 :D

Easyfundraising is also now up to £30.52, £1.75 more since last time that brings me up to the total of

£1992 exactly!

Just £8 to go!

If anyone reading this would like to donate that £8 to reach £2000 then please visit my virgin money giving page failing that the cake sale tomorrow will raise the remaining money to reach £2000!

Then just to start working on the remaining £3100 :P

Sunday 1 January 2012

I go to South Africa this year!

Very excited about being able to now say i go to South Africa this year! Feels so much more real now :D