Monday 2 January 2012

Soooo close to £2000 :D

Making cakes today ready for a (Tuesday) cake sale when we are back at school tomorrow and my brother asked for one, i said he would have to buy one and then also reminded him he hadn't sponsored me yet, so he offers to sponsor me £20 in return for 1 (unfrosted) muffin! Mum then feels that she should sponsor me more than my brother did so sponsors me £25 :D

Easyfundraising is also now up to £30.52, £1.75 more since last time that brings me up to the total of

£1992 exactly!

Just £8 to go!

If anyone reading this would like to donate that £8 to reach £2000 then please visit my virgin money giving page failing that the cake sale tomorrow will raise the remaining money to reach £2000!

Then just to start working on the remaining £3100 :P

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