Friday 22 June 2012

I feel I should update this blog...

Exams seem to have taken over my life for too long but since 11am this morning I have been free!

Since my last update on what my fundraising total is (13th March, £2304.99) it has risen to a fantastic £4304.41! (Pure coincidence it has risen by nearly exactly £2000, quite tempted to see what coins I have in my purse so get that 58p)

Fundraising has merged into a massive blur as to what happened when but since March have had a fantastic donation from a charitable trust, a bag pack, cake sales and now selling tickets to my murder mystery. I also had a fantastic day involved with the village jubilee celebrations holding a toy stall which raised just under £60. This would have been brilliant alone but when asked to explain what I was fundraising for a lady called out to pass a hat around, this hat collected an amazing £168. Today I sold 15 more murder mystery tickets, bringing my total to 22! 1 week left to sell just under 100 tickets, it could happen...possibly! Tickets are £15 each or £10 with a table of 8 so at £15 only need to sell another 53 to finish fundraising :D 

If I don't manage to sell enough tickets then the headteacher at the lovely primary school i work at as a cleaner has said I can do a cake sale after school if needed if the Murder mystery doesn't raise enough.

Donations online at would also be really greatly appreciated

Thank you, Amelia

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