Sunday 18 September 2011

Library, how I love you and loathe you

After spending 3 and a half hours of a lovely rainy Sunday afternoon reading through page after page of the Directory of Grant Making Trusts I now have a grand total of 20 trusts to write to! 20 down, only many many more to go, and I still have 23 more letters of the alphabet to go through! My life is just so exciting! But its all worth it, if only for the little buzz you get when you find one which you fit the criteria for!

Now just to design a leaflet, think of what to write in the leaflet, get the leaflet printed, find more very kind trusts to write to, write a letter to each of the trusts, and then send of each letter with a leaflet and then think of more fundraising ideas to help reach my target :D I am actually really looking forward to this year of fundraising, and then even more looking forward to the year in South Africa after that :D!!!

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