Thursday 29 September 2011

Getting started now

Leaflet is very nearly ready, letter is ready and applied to my first charitable trust online today and so far have about 35 to write to when my letter and leaflet is ready!

Today I took my leaflet and letter to my form tutor at break time to ask her to have read though and see how it is and hopefully she will tell me its great tomorrow morning, or tell me how to improve it. But I've just realised i have forgotten something very important from my leaflet, the web address for this blog! will have to add that tomorrow, unfortunately it's been a slow process with my leaflet as we don't have publisher at home so i have been using my frees to make it, all i need to add to it are the photos and its ready :D

will scan it in and add it on here when its ready

Sunday 18 September 2011

Library, how I love you and loathe you

After spending 3 and a half hours of a lovely rainy Sunday afternoon reading through page after page of the Directory of Grant Making Trusts I now have a grand total of 20 trusts to write to! 20 down, only many many more to go, and I still have 23 more letters of the alphabet to go through! My life is just so exciting! But its all worth it, if only for the little buzz you get when you find one which you fit the criteria for!

Now just to design a leaflet, think of what to write in the leaflet, get the leaflet printed, find more very kind trusts to write to, write a letter to each of the trusts, and then send of each letter with a leaflet and then think of more fundraising ideas to help reach my target :D I am actually really looking forward to this year of fundraising, and then even more looking forward to the year in South Africa after that :D!!!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

A little bit about easyfundraising and easysearch...

Easyfundraising makes it possible for money to be raised from purchases people make online if they are registered to support my cause, please see  and go to the shop through the site.

If you are buying anything online please check and see if the site is on there (they have over 2000 shops listed with quite a few big names) if it is listed Project Trust will get a small set percentage of what you are spending. 

You will need to be registered, go to and click on the yes sign me up – it’s free to register and only takes a minute – then find the shop again on the A-Z, then just click ‘go shopping’. 

This is another way to raise money for by doing something very easy...

Instead of using google please use and I will get 0.5p for each search, not a lot but its more than nothing, and will hopefully add up to a few pounds over the next year – if you use internet explorer or firefox you can scroll down and clickeasysearch from my search bar’, or it would be great if you would set it as your homepage and use it instead of typing in the site you are going to, even if it is just google, scroll down again and there is the option to set as homepage. Thank you :D

Saturday 3 September 2011

I'm going to South Africa

As the title says really, I'm going to South Africa!

Yesterday I got my letter from Project Trust to say that I have been successful and will be going to South Africa, Malawi or Swaziland, with the most likely being South Africa and to fund raise for that country. I am very, very excited to have been chosen and to be given a chance to go to South Africa for a whole year!

Project Trust is a charity which sends young people abroad the various volunteer projects around the world during their gap year, their website says the following 
Project Trust is the UK's original Gap Year provider. Established in 1967, we have over 40 years experience and have sent over 6000 volunteers to over 60 countries.
Project Trust is registered as a Charity in Scotland (SCO25668). We specialise in sending 17-19 year old school leavers overseas for long term volunteering placements of 8 or 12 months. We currently have volunteering opportunities in 23 countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas.
A big part of the gap year abroad with Project Trust is the fund raising, fund raising £5,100! 

This blog is to help share with everyone how my fundraising is going, and just keep track of how this next year goes before I go to spend a year in the amazing South Africa!